About Us
At the E.J. Basnett Company, we believe in old-fashioned customer service. Although we're continually updating our technological capabilities to better serve our customers, a visitor will occasionally ask about our telephone system. This isn't a stock photograph or a prop; this really is one of the telephones in our Corsicana, Texas customer service department. We don't have Caller ID because we don't need it- Every call, every customer is just as important as the last. We don't have a fancy auto attendant or a phone tree that you have to dial through- We just answer the phone when you call. And, like our customers, we value efficient, dependable service. That old Western Electric 302 has been earning its keep since 1950, and we don't see any reason to mess with that kind of success. Feel free to give our customer service department a call on that old phone at (940) 297-9149.